ACT & SAT Group Sessions

Supercharge your scores.


Patrick Craig Academy specializes in using group sessions to successfully prepare students for the ACT and SAT. These sessions create a strong community atmosphere, where students prioritize working towards a common goal. Patrick Craig leads these classes with the assistance of qualified student tutors, allowing for individualized attention when needed and an overall sense of camaraderie.

Students are taught concepts, work through materials, and practice the content of the test with peers and tutors. Questions are welcomed, and students are guided to focus on sections they need to work on and progress at their own pace. Homework is used as a tool for growth, allowing students to further practice the content discussed in class. Students at all levels are encouraged to start preparing for the ACT or SAT in group classes. These classes are the perfect place for any student who wants to increase their score. Every student, from beginner to advanced, has the potential to be successful through group tutoring.

    • $80 per 1.5 hour session

    • Price includes the tutoring session as well as materials for study and practice, calculator programs, binder, etc.

    • 1.5” Binder (for students to stay organized with the materials we provide)

    • Calculator Programs--over 80 different formulas and programs frequently found used on the ACT and SAT

    • Combined over 40 different official ACT and SAT tests

    • Graphing Calculator--we suggest a TI-83 or TI-84

    • Loose leaf paper and pencils

  • Students are expected to take ownership of their material, meaning completing homework and attending sessions. We highly encourage students to also take responsibility of their scheduling. Students should approach this process as they would any other Honors or even AP level class, expecting 3-4 hours of homework a week. If students put forth a similar amount of effort, they will be at a better advantage to succeed. Unlike their tests in other classes, the ACT and SAT do not get harder as the year progresses. Rather, the students get older, gain more experience, and, if they work hard, get considerably more adept at taking the test. Results vary and are highly correlated to student effort.